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Paso a paso
Anfitrión de la experiencia

Elige las mejores fotos para la página de tu experiencia

You want guests to be as enthusiastic as you about the great Airbnb Experience you have planned for them, so let’s make it as appealing as possible. That starts with some beautiful photos.

You’ll need at least 6 great photos that capture the essence of your Experience. The most important one is your cover photo, as it appears in Airbnb search results. It should have a person or people enjoying the activity you’re hosting. The other photos should tell the rest of your unique story and they’ll be displayed in a grid on your Experience page.

Photo checklist

We review every photo, so they need to be:

  • High resolution (at least 480 x 720px at 72dpi).
  • Clear (not blurry, stretched, or distorted).
  • Oriented vertically.
  • Well-lit and not too dark.
  • Natural color. Not black and white, and without heavy filters.
  • No text or logos overlaid on the image.
  • Single photos, not a collage.
  • Candid and natural. Avoid selfies or unnaturally posed photos, with the exception of Online Experience pages, where you may need to photograph yourself on screen.
  • Photos should describe an interesting element of the experience.
  • No screenshots or stock images.

Learn more in our Experience Resource Center.

Additional photo content guidelines

Any children visible on the cover photo must be with an adult. If an Experience is for families with kids, the majority of the photos should include the parent, teacher, or guardian accompanying any children.

Photos prominently showing alcohol or smoking must follow certain rules. The location where the Experience takes place must have the appropriate license, with the exception of Hosts leading an Online Experience from home. All individuals shown in photos that include alcohol or smoking must appear to be at or over the legal age to participate in the location that the Experience is held.

Photos may not depict sexually explicit scenes, (ex: nudity), drugs, illegal activities, or obscenity.

Photos must follow our Animal Welfare Guidelines for Airbnb Experiences. This means, you can’t show direct contact with wild animals in the wild. This includes, but is not limited to, petting, feeding, or riding animals. Photos of domesticated animals and animals in captivity must follow our animal welfare guidelines as well.

As described in the Airbnb Terms of Service and Additional Terms for Experience Hosts, it’s a Host’s responsibility to ensure photos comply with Airbnb’s Content Policy, and any other relevant marketing, intellectual property, and other laws.

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